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FOREVER QUEEN performed by QueenMania

„QueenMania lässt den Mythos weiterleben“ (Neue Westfälische)


Unter diesem legendären Motto setzen die 4 italienischen Künstler ihre seit Jahren europaweit erfolgreiche Show FOREVER QUEEN mit ihrer Hommage an den Ausnahmekünstler Freddie Mercury fort und rocken mit unvergesslichen Kulttiteln wie „Radio Gaga“, I Want It All“, „We Are The Champions“, „Somebody To Love“ oder „We Will Rock You“ u.v.a.m. die Hallen - nicht zu vergessen „Barcelona“ im Duett mit der stimmgewaltigen Sopranistin.

Leadsänger Sonny Ensabella tritt dabei in große Fußstapfen und kommt seinem Vorbild Freddie Mercury stimmlich und optisch beeindruckend nahe, ohne sich mit ihm vergleichen zu wollen. „Freddie hatte eine einzigartige Ausstrahlung - es gab und gibt keinen Zweiten wie ihn“ schwärmt Sonny Ensabella in einem Interview.

Ensabella performt mit hautengen, schrillen Outfits bis hin zur grandiosen Robe in theatralen Posen und ist damit seinem Idol Freddie Mercury so nah, dass sich die Zuschauer vor der Bühne auf einer Zeitreise glauben.

Neben Frontmann Sonny Ensabella komplettieren die Vollblut-Musiker Fabrizio Palermo, Tizian Giampieri und Simone Fortuna die Performance der Live-Band und überzeugen das eingefleischte Fan-Publikum mit erstklassig gespielten Songs sowie großartigen Solos.

Für Queen-Fans tief beeindruckend und mitreißend bereitet FOREVER QUEEN performed by QueenMania Freddie Mercury und seinem Lebenswerk nicht nur ein ehrendes Gedenken - nein - es lässt ihn für gut 2 Stunden auferstehen.

v.i.S.d.P. Michael Noll für Reset Production

Informationen zum Ticketkauf
Tickets erhältlich an allen bekannten VVK-Stellen sowie direkt vom Veranstalter unter 0365/5481830 und

Kinder von 7-12 Jahren erhalten 10,00 € Ermäßigung je Ticket.
Gruppen ab zehn Personen erhalten 5,00 € Ermäßigung je Ticket.
Freier Eintritt für die Begleitperson bei Gästen mit einem „B“ im Ausweis

(Die deutschsprachige Info wurde der Presseinfo des Forever Queen Projektes von Queenmania entnommen. Infos unter

A grand tribute to Freddie Mercury and the “Queen”: a gig that has all the characteristics of a great show, set up with all the costumes and videos of highly emotional contents which, together with the music, run over again the most significant steps in the career of the English band. This is the formula of the QUEENMANIA tribute band, born of the shared passion of 4 formidable
musicians for the “Queen”.

To support the voice of the singer Sonny, whose delicate task is to revive the histrionic personality of Freddie Mercury, there will be some valid partners in the journey. Over the guitar contribute constantly provided by Tiziano Giampieri (guitar and voice) we find two clamorous musicians who have given prestigious cooperation within the Italian and European panorama (Ligabue, Vasco Rossi, Anna Oxa, Marco Masini, Enrico Ruggeri, Exilia, Mark Harris, Glenn Hughes etc.) as Andrea Ge (drums and voice) and Fabrizio Palermo (bass and voice). But the real surprise is actually him, the voice: Sonny Ensabella. His will-power, his gestures but above all his astonishing physical and vocal resemblance to the original, give to this band un incredible added value.

A great show then, that will go through again the history and career of one of the most famous band in the history of music, a gig to sing again songs nowadays known to everybody but also with some special treats for real connoisseurs, an evening to revive a character who has become a legend and still today, fifteen years from his departure, is remembered as one of the fathers of the fantastic world known as Rock.

Since March 2007 the QUEENMANIA are moving their show along Europe, playing, with positive return from audience and critics in England, Holland, Vienna, Budapest, Spain. Being appreciated not only in Italy but also in the most of Europe testifies their artistic value. In 2008 even attending to "The 23rd official QUEEN FANS CLUB CONVENTION" in UK.

Often in their gigs they invite successful singers of the Italian soundscape who always, accept with enthusiasm such as the national pop stars: Enrico Ruggeri, Andrea Mirò, Tullio De Piscopo, Clara Moroni and Maurizio Solieri (Vasco Rossi’s band), Irene Fornaciari (Zucchero's daughter), from the musical Notredame De Paris: Marco Guerzoni, Matteo Setti, from the rock scene: Cristina Scabbia (Lacuna Coil), Roby Tiranti (New Trolls, Labyrinth), Fabio Lione (Rhapsody Of Fire), GL and Mattia Bigi (from Extrema), Stef Burns (Huey Lewis, Alice Cooper, Y&T) and even from the reggae/hip-hop Italian scene the newcomer Entics and so on.

In January 2009 was issued “All in”, the new triple cd by Enrico Ruggeri, in which there are three songs performed by QUEENMANIA: “Dear friends”, “Lily of the valley” and “The great pretender”, recorded live at “Alcatraz” in Milan on 24 November 2007, during their tribute to Freddie, with Enrico as very welcomed guest.

In 2010 QUEENMANIA appears on the best seller compilation "Hit Mania Champions" with the song "Somebody to love" recorded live @ Alcatraz in Milan.

Now the band are also recording in studio a CD with a lot of national stars as guests, singing Queen’s original versions sponsored by ANLAIDS and distributed by Edel Italy ...and the show must go on!

Sonny Ensabella: voice
Tiziano Giampieri: guitar and vc.
Fabrizio Palermo: bass and vc.
Andrea Ge: drums and vc.

(Die englischsprachige Info wurde der Bandinfo entnommen.)

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